Financial Year (FY) |
Name of Project (Category, Sponsor) |
Principal Investigator (PI) |
Status of Project |
2018-21 |
Elucidating the role of gram-domain containing gene(s) in Bacillus amyloliquifaciens-mediated abiotic stress responses in plants (GAP, Sponsored by SERB DST, Govt of India) |
Dr. Charu Lata |
On-going |
2021-22 |
Choosing Scientific Research as a Career: Why & How (GAP, Sponsored by DST, Govt of India) |
Dr. Puspanjali Tripathy |
On-going |
2021-22 |
Science Communication for Beginners (GAP, Sponsored by DST, Govt of India) |
Dr. Manish Mohan Gore |
On-going |
Financial Year (FY) |
Name of Project (Category, Sponsor) |
Principal Investigator (PI) |
Status of Project |
2017-21 |
Unraveling the role of plant growth promoting rhizobacteria-responsive microRNA(s) in Arabidopsis (GAP, Sponsored by INSA, New Delhi) |
Dr. Charu Lata |
Completed |
2018-20 |
Affordable medical devices and equipments – priority medical technology needs in India (GAP, Sponsored by DST, Govt of India) |
Dr. Tarakanta Jana |
Completed |
Financial Year (FY) |
Name of Project (Category, Sponsor) |
Principal Investigator (PI) |
Status of Project |
2019-20 |
Evaluating The Market Demand For The Three Fractions Of Biomass-Lignin, Cellulose And Hemicellulose (CNP, Collaborating Sister Laboratory: CSIR-IIP, Dehradun, Sponsoring Agency: EID Parry India Ltd, Chennai) |
Dr. Yogesh Suman |
Completed |
2019-20 |
Techno-Commercial Study For Production Of Value Added Products From By-Products Of 2G Ethanol Bio-Refinery At Bargarh Odisha (CNP, Collaborating Partner: CSIR-IIP, Dehradun and CSIR-AMPRI, Bhopal, Sponsoring agency: Bharat Petrochemicals Corporation Limited, Mumbai) |
Dr. Yogesh Suman |
Completed |
2018-19 |
Capturing thematic intervention of nanotechnology in water, energy and agriculture sector in Asian countries: A bibliometric approach (GAP, Sponsored by DST, Govt of India) |
Dr. Madhulika Bhati |
Completed |
2018-19 |
Skills for green jobs in India (CNP, Sponsored by International Labour Organisation) |
Dr. Vipan Kumar |
Completed |
2017-18 |
A Scientometric Approach To Study Arsenic, Fluoride, Nitrate And Other Heavy Metals In Drinking Water During The 1995- 2015 Period: An Outlook To Treatment Alternatives For Removal Of Contamination (GAP, Sponsored by DST, Govt of India) |
Dr. Madhulika Bhati |
Completed |
2017-18 |
Technology Empowerment of North East with water, energy and communication solutions (CLP, Collaborative Partner & Sponsor: AICTE, New Delhi) |
Dr. Vipan Kumar |
Completed |