The charter of CSIR-NIScPR is dissemination of scientific and technical information through various information products and services provided by the institute. The charter would essentially incorporate citizen’s entitlement to public services, wide publicity of standards of performance, quality of services, access to information, simplified procedures of complaints, time-bound redressal of grievances and provision for independent scrutiny of performance.
The professional activities in which the institute is engaged include publishing 19 primary and 2 secondary scientific journals of international repute to cater to the needs of scientific community; encyclopaedic volumes on natural raw material resources "The Wealth of India" in English and Bharat ki Sampada in Hindi; three popular science magazines in English, Hindi and Urdu to meet the science information needs of the masses; CSIR News and CSIR Samachar that bring out the news and significant contributions of CSIR and its constituents; and monographic and popular science books besides a series of popular science books on IT.
In addition, CSIR-NIScPR provides various services such as Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Information Service; Contents, Abstracts and Photocopy Service (CAPS); Literature Search Service; S&T Translation Service; Bibliometric Service; Editing, Designing, Production and Printing of scientific publications.
CSIR-NIScPR is also developing and maintaining specialized databases on Indian Science Abstracts (ISA); National Union Catalogue of Scientific Serials in India (NUCSSI); Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracs (MAPA), and Natural Raw Material Resources.
It also conducts training programs in library and information science, documentation, science communication and herbarium techniques with an objective of human resource development.
The commitments of the institute include the following:
Fully committed to integrity, courtesy, transparency, promptness and respect of human values.
Publication of 19 primary and 2 secondary scientific journals which are as follows:
All the journals have their well-defined scope, duly approved by their Editorial Boards, and follow a set format. Authors interested in sending papers for publication to any journal are advised to obtain a copy of 'Instructions to the Contributors' or else consult a recent issue of the journal to get familiar with the format and the practices adopted in respect of various elements of the paper.
Fortnightly issues of CSIR News (in English) and monthly issues of CSIR Samachar (in Hindi) serve as an effective link between various CSIR constituents and users of information on various R&D programs and other activities of CSIR, other R&D organizations, university departments and industry. R&D programs include new processes and products developed, programs undertaken, collaborative projects, sponsored projects and consultancies. In addition, news on technology demonstrations, marketing, transfer of technology, IPR, etc. are also covered. S&T activities include conferences, seminars, workshops, training programs, honours and awards, appointments of Directors, etc. Concerted efforts are made to improve upon the quality of contents, layout and printing so as to make these publications more attractive and meaningful.
Concluding Volume of Bharat ki Sampada, an encyclopaedia of Indian raw materials in Hindi is under compilation.
Publish digitized versions of Indian Science Abstracts (ISA), Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Abstracts (MAPA), The Wealth of India, Raw Materials Series. Also to bring out other CSIR-NIScPR publications on-line and off-line.
CSIR-NIScPR library has a collection of over 1,90,000 S&T documents and subscribes to over 5100 S&T periodicals. It is open to S&T workers of various scientific and technical institutes as well.
Marketing the publications of CSIR-NIScPR which includes:
To settle complaints relating to publications or any technical matters within six weeks with the involvement of the concerned group leader.
The grievance committee will redress the grievances from public. The grievances should be addressed to the Chairman, Grievance Committee.
S.No. | Service | Time Schedule |
1 | Acknowledgement of the receipt of paper by ordinary post or e-mail. | Within 5 days. |
2 | Return the paper to author, if it is not falling within the defined scope of the journal. | Within 15 days |
3 | Send the paper for revision to author, if needed, after the receipt of reviewer’s comments. | Within 10 days. |
4 | Expect to receive the revised version of the paper from author, failing which the revised paper may be considered as a fresh paper. | Within a maximum period of 6 months. |
5 | Send the press-ready final manuscript to the author for final checking and getting back the error-free data in required electronic format as well as the true hard copy. | |
6 | Send proofs for corrections and approval, if needed. | |
7 | Publish CSIR News | Two issues per month or a combined issue in lieu of |
8 | Publish CSIR Samachar | One issue per month |
9 | Provide inquiry services to information seekers on natural raw material resources. | Within 7 days of receiving the request. |
10 | Provide consultancy services in the area of identification of plants and crude drugs of plant origin. | Identification report to be sent within 7 days of receiving the sample. |
11 | Within 10 days of receiving the request. | Within 10 days of receiving the request. |
12 | Publish Science Reporter | One issue per month |
13 | Publish Vigyan Pragati | One issue per month |
14 | Publish Science ki Duniya | One issue in 3 months |
15 | Provide consultancy services to students, entrepreneurs, researchers and others interested in medicinal and aromatic plants. | Report to be sent within 10 days of receiving the request. |
16 | CAPS | One issue per month |
17 | Literature Search Service | Immediately from online databases. Within 7 days from the receipt of request from other sources |
18 | S&T Translation Service | Ordinary: within 30 days, Rush order: within 7 days |
19 | Bibliometrics Service | Within 7days |
20 |
In library, information, documentation particularly in contemporary areas of information science, technology and computer applications by conducting:
One course in a year 10-12 courses per year |
21 | In the area of science communication by organizing short-term training programs on Science Writing | At least once in a year |
22 | In the area of Herbarium Techniques by conducting training programs | At least once in 2 years |
23 | Invoice for journals to current subscribers | September/October every year |
24 | Invoice on request | Within 5 days of the receipt of request |
25 | Issue of Bill/Enrolment No. | Within 5 days of receiving payment |
26 |
Dispatch (i) Journals (ii) Reprints |
(a) On scheduled date (b) Within one week of receipt of journal in stores. Within 15 days of receipt of reprints in store |
27 | Replacement | Within a week of receipt of complaint (to be made within three months of issue of journal) |
BOOKS | ||
28 | Invoice on request | Within 5 days |
29 | Issue of Bill | Within 5 days of receipt of payment |
30 | Dispatch | Within one week of receipt of payment |
POPULAR SCIENCE MAGAZINES (Science Reporter/Vigyan Pragati/Science ki Duniya) | ||
31 | nvoice for magazines to current subscribers | 2-3 months before the end of subscription period |
32 | Invoice on request | Within 5 days of receipt of request |
33 | General inquires | Same day or next day of receipt |
34 | Issue of Bill/Enrolment No. | Within 7 days |
35 | Supply of magazine | From the next month issue after the receipt of request and subscription |
36 | Replacement | Within a week of receipt of complaint (to be made within three months of issue of magazine). |
(In case the subscription is received through money order, it takes about a week for supply of magazine because money order takes more time in reaching). | ||
Consultancy Services in Editing, Designing, CD-ROM Publishing, Production and Printing, and Translation | ||
37 | Provide consultancy services in the area of editing, designing, production and printing. | |
38 | Undertake translation jobs of S&T literature from English to Hindi | |
39 | Undertake CD-ROM publication jobs. |
*CSIR-NIScPR intends to provide these services as per the time schedule given, barring unforeseen circumstances beyond its control.
CSIR-NIScPR is in no way responsible for the non-receipt of material sent by post for whatever reason beyond its control.