Press Release

Press Release - Science Cartoon Workshop & Panel Discussion on Communicating Science to Children to be organized by CSIR-NISCAIR

Press Release: Day 2 International Science Literature Festival

Press Release: Day 1 International Science Literature Festival

Vigyanika to showcase science literature events at IISF 2019

Science Communicators call for setting up a Science Helpline

विज्ञान अकादमी और सोसाइटी एसोससएशन साइंस ब्रेकथ्रूज़: पेड न्यूज़, फेक न्यूज़ एंड एथिक्स पर कार्यशाला

Science Academies and Societies Associations’ Workshop on Science Breakthroughs: Paid News, Fake News and Ethics - 19 February 2019, New Delhi

Curbing fake and false science news vital

Science films and literature vital in communicating science to the masses

Indian languages should drive science communication in the country

Round Table Meet on Mass Communication NIOT, Chennai Day 1, 13 October 2017

Round Table Meet on Mass Communication 13-14 October 2017, NIOT, Chennai