Dr. Ranjana Aggarwal

Designation: Director


M.Sc Chemistry, Ph.D. (1993) “Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis of Some Azole Derivatives as Potential Phototoxic Agents” Viva Voce held at Cambridge University, U.K

Area of Interest:

Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry

Phone Number: 011-25846064, 011-25843227

Email: ranjanaaggarwal67@gmail.com

Field of Specialization: Organic and Bioorganic Chemistry: Design and synthesis of azaheterocycles of therapeutic interest as anticancer, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and photodynamic agents, Development of greener routes for the synthesis of organic compounds of natural and non-natural origin through environmentally benign reagents, Computational studies and 2D NMR spectroscopy. Gender Studies.

Education and Professional Profile :

  • M.Sc. Chemistry, with distinction (1986-88) from KUK
  • Ph.D. (1993) “Heterocyclic Compounds: Synthesis of Some Azole Derivatives as Potential Phototoxic Agents” Viva Voce held at Cambridge University, U.K
  • Lecturer, Reader, Associate Professor, Professor at Chemistry Department KUK (1995 - till date)

Post-Doctoral positions:

  • Erythromycin Biosynthesis  in Prof. J. Staunton’s group at Cambridge University, UK (1993-1995)
  • Antibody Catalysis in Prof. F. Benedetti’s group at Trieste University, Italy (1998-1999)
  • Tetronasin Analogues in Dr. J. B. Spencer’s group at Cambridge University, UK (2003-2004)
  • Visiting Professor in Prof. Isabel Rozas group  at Trinity College Dublin, Ireland (2012, 2013)

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Dr. Basudev Banerji Memorial Award for the year 2014 by Indian Chemical Society, Kolkata
  • Prof. S. S. Katiyar Endowment Award by Indian Science Congress, Kolkata in 2015
  • Commonwealth Fellowship in Dr. J. B. Spencer’s group at Cambridge University (2003-2004)
  • Visitor’s (President of India) Nominee for Delhi University, Delhi and Central University Assam, Silchar
  • Chancellor’s Nominee for MDU, Rohtak and IGU Mirpur
  • Member National Monitoring Committee for Minorities Education, MHRD, New Delhi
  • Sectional Recorder of Chemical Science Section of Indian science Congress (2014-2016)
  • Organising Secretary, 51st Convention of Indian Chemical Society at KUK 2014

Mentoring and supervision:

  • Ph. D.  Thesis Guided- 12
  • Numbers of research papers in SCI Journals-83
  • Citations- 1148
  • h index 19
  • i -10 index 37
  • Researchgate score 32.11 (among top 10%)

International Collaborations:

  • Prof. J. Elguero (CSIS, Madrid, Spain)
  • Prof. Dionisia Sanz (UNED, Madrid, Spain)
  • Prof. Rosa Claramunt (UNED, Madrid, Spain)
  • Prof. Isabel Rozas (Trinity College Dublin, Ireland)
  • Prof. Mari Torallba, Complutense University, Madrid Spain
  • Dr. Rachna Sadana, University of Houston, USA

Major Research Projects:

  • HSCST (2019-22)
  • DST (2011-13)
  • UGC (2008-11)
  • UGC (2003- 06)
  • UGC (2003-06)
  • CSIR (2000-2003)


  • Scientific articles: 83  peer reviewed in International and national journals of high repute such as Angewandte Chemie Int. Ed, Chemical Communications, Chemistry: A European Journal, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, Bioorganic Medicinal Chemistry Letters, Tetrahedron Letters, Tetrahedron, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry, Heterocycles, , Journal of Molecular Chemistry, Journal of Sulphur Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry Research, Synthetic Communications, Arkivoc etc.
  • Abstract in conferences: 35

Besides chemistry actively engaged in promotion of ‘Science of India: Science for India’ among school and college students, Gender sensitization and skill development among girls and rural women.



Designation Hierarchy
