Dr. Naresh Kumar

Designation: Chief Scientist


PhD (Mathematics)

Area of Interest:

Mathematical modeling technological diffusion and forecasting

Phone Number: Office:011-25843102, Mobile:9868423191

Email: nareshkr@niscpr.res.in


Journal papers:

  1. Rego, S. and Kumar, Naresh, "A case study of factors influencing diffusion of mobile telephony in rural India" Sociology of Science and Technology, Vol. 5(3), pp. 134-145, September 2014.
  2. Kumar, Naresh, 'Inspired Indian Science: A Path Forward', Manpower Journal, XLVI (3): 15-25, 2011. Published in 2012
  3. Kumar, Vipan; Naresh Kumar and Sapna Narula, 'Plethora of Indian Education: Are we following the development path?’ In Liceo Journal of Higher Education Research, 7(1): 18-25, 2011.
  4. Kumar, V., Kumar, Naresh, and Narula, S., Mapping of Elementary Educational Infrastructure in India: A state and district level analysis, IAMURE-International Association of Multidisciplinary Research Journal, Vol. 1, pp. 128-139, May 2011.
  5. Kumar, Naresh and Rego, Shailaja, Comparative enrolment growth at different levels of education and dissemination of ICT: A case of BRIC countries, Sociology of Science and Technology, Vol. 2(3), pp. 31-40, 2011.
  6. Kumar, Naresh and Asheulova, N., Comparative analysis of scientific output of BRIC countries, Annals of Library and Information Studies, Vol 58 (3), pp. 228-236, 2011.
  7. Kumar, Naresh and Rego, Shailaja, Linkages between level of educational skill and diffusion of ICT in Brazil, China and India, The International Journal’s Research Journal of Social Science and Management, Vol. 1 (4), pp. 71-80, 2011.
  8. Kumar, Naresh & Sharma, D., Mobility of highly skilled workers and academic collaboration between India and Russia, Sociology of Science and Technology, Vol.1(3), pp. 84-97, 2010.
  9. Kumar, Naresh & Alexander, A., The cross-border mobility of students: a perspective from BRIC countries, Sociology of Science and Technology, Vol.1(1), pp. 118-125, 2010.
  10. Kumar, Naresh, Assessment of Sectoral Growth of Indian Economy Using Growth Models, Paradigm, Vol. XII (2), pp. 45-50, 2008.
  11. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, Application of Mathematical Models to Access the Supply of Energy in India, Indian Journal of Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Vol. 1(2), pp. 45-53, 2008.
  12. Kumar, Naresh, International flow of students – An analysis related to China and India, Current Science, Vol. 94, No. 1, PP. 34-37, 2008.
  13. Kumar, Naresh and Rai, L. P., Forecasting Biological Limits of Athletes in Sports, Everyman’s Science VOL. XLI NO. 6, pp. 407-412, 2007.
  14. Kumar, Naresh and Rai, L. P., Statistical Analysis of Mathematical Research in India, in proceedingsInternational Conference to Review Research on Science, Technology and mathematics Education, Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education, Mumbai February 12-15, pp. 39-45, 2007.
  15. Rai, L. P. and Kumar, Naresh, Scientific and Technical Manpower Production in India: The Changing Scenario, IAMR Manpower Journal, Vol. XXXXI, No. 1, 2006.
  16. Kumar, Naresh, Potential of Digital Diffusion in India: Issues and challenges, Strategies of Winning Organisations, (ed.) Dhar, U., Dhar, S. and Chauhan, V. S.) Excel Books, New Delhi, 2006.
  17. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, A Comment on S&T Personnel Database in India, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 64, pp. 789-793, 2005.
  18. Kumar, V., Suman, Y., Kumar, Naresh & Kapoor, R., Delhi industry monitor, NISTADS News, Vol. 7(1), pp. 36-38, 2005.
  19. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, A Rationale for Lotka’s Law: An Experimentation of Empirical Data, Annals of Library and Information sciences, 52 (3), pp. 103-107, 2005.
  20. Kumar, Naresh and Rai, L. P., Prospects of Industrial Growth in South Asian Region, Pranjana, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 43-48, 2005.
  21. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, Basic Sciences in India: Changing Profiles, NISTADS News, Vol. 7(1), pp. 11-14, 2005.
  22. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, Development in Mathematics: The emerging Scenario, in the book Mathematics in the 21st Century (eds), Diwan, K. K. and Mustafa, m., Deep and Deep Publication, New Delhi, pp. 57-67, 2004.
  23. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, S&T Education in India: Prospects and Challenges, Scientometrics, Vol. 61(2), pp. 157-169, 2004.
  24. Kumar, Naresh, A Comparative Analysis of Shifting of Doctorates, Current Science, Vol. 86, pp. 33-36, 2004.
  25. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, S&T Personnel Database in India, Current Science, Vol. 86, pp. 890, 2004.
  26. Rai, L. P., Kumar, Naresh and Goel, C. K., Goel, Journal of Discrete Mathematical Sciences & Cryptography, Vol. 7, pp. 37-48, 2004.
  27. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, Emerging Trends in Science Education in India, Digital Proceedings of 10thSymposium on Rethinking Science and Technology Education to Meet the Demands for Future Generations in a Changing World, Brazil, July 28-August 02, 2002.
  28. Rai, L. P. & Kumar, Naresh, Development in Mathematics: The Emerging Scenario, in Mathematics in the 21stCentury (eds.), by Dewan, K. K. & Mustafa, M., Deep and Deep Publications, New Delhi, pp. 57-67, 2003.
  29. Kumar, Naresh and Singh, B., Forecast of Indian Automobile Industry Using mathematical Models, Paradigm, Vol. III, pp. 105-116, 2003.
  30. Rai, L. P. and Kumar, Naresh, Development and Application of Mathematical Model for Technology Substitution, Pranjana, Vol. 6, pp. 49-60, 2003.
  31. Kumar, Naresh, Do You Like Mathematics, Science Reporter, pp. 28-29, October 2003.
  32. Rai, L. P., Kumar, Naresh and Ghosal, A., Mixed Diffusion Model: Learning Perspectives, SCIMA, pp. 59-66, 2002.
  33. Rai, L. P. and Kumar, Naresh, A New Approach to Model Innovation Diffusion, Pranjana, Vol. 5, pp. 11-17, 2002.
  34. Kumar, Naresh, Progress of Education in Bombay State during 1855-1955: A Comparative Statistics, NISTADS News, Vol. 4(1), pp. 47-52, 2002.
  35. Rai, L. P., Kumar, Naresh and Madan, S., Structural Changes in S&T Research in India, Scientometrics, Vol. 50, pp. 313-321, 2001.

Book Chapters:

  1. Rego, S., Kumar, Naresh and Mukherjee, P. N., Bridging Digital Divide and Capacity Building in Rural India, in Driving the Economy through Innovation and Entrepreneurship (eds) by Bala Subrahmanya et al, Indian Institute of Science, Springer, Bangalore, 2012.
  2. Kumar Naresh and Rego, Shailaja, Application of ICT in Education: Opportunities and Challenges for India, in IT initiatives for Building Creative Organisation (ed.) by Suyash, Jhawar, Yogeshwari Pathak, Raj Kishore Sharma, & Alok Bansal, Prestige Institute of Management & Research, Indore, 2010.
  3. Kumar Naresh and Rego, Shailaja, An Analysis of Diffusion of Fixed line and Mobile Phones in India, in IT Innovation for Organisational Excellence by Sharma, A. et al (eds.), pp. 319-327, Excel Books, New Delhi, 2009.
  4. Kumar, Vipan; Kumar, Naresh; Kumar, Neelam (2009), “Pattern of Enrolment at Different Educational levels”, in the chapter “S&T Human Resource” of India Science & Technology Report-2008 Published by NISTADS, May 2009, pp 3-7.
  5. Kumar, Naresh; Kumar, Vipan (2009), “Educational Infrastructure in India”, ibid, pp 13-15.
  6. Kumar, Vipan; Kumar, Naresh; Gupta, Nitin (2009), “Performance in Sciences at Secondary/Higher Secondary level”, ibid, pp 15-20.
  7. Kumar, Vipan; Kshitij, Avinash (2009), “Inter-State migration at Secondary level”, ibid, pp 24-25.
  8. Kumar, Naresh; Kumar, Vipan (2009), “International Migration of Students”, ibid, pp 25-27.
  9. Kumar, Naresh; Kumar, Vipan (2009), “Measures to promote basic science”, ibid, pp 30-31.
  10. Kumar, Naresh and Rego, S., Economy of Internationalisation of Higher Education: Potential of Growth in Asia, Navigating Glocalization Through Quality Initiatives (ed.) by I. C. Gupta & Anukool Manish Hyde, Excel Books, 2008, New Delhi.

Conference papers

 1. Kumar, Naresh and Rego, S., Linkages between level of educational attainment and technology diffusion in developing countries, 7th International Conference (Globelics-2009) on “Inclusive Growth, Innovation and Technological Change: Education, Social Capital and Sustainable Development”, 6-8 October, 2009, Dakar, Senegal.

2. Kumar, Naresh. and Rai, L.P., Review of innovation diffusion modes for new product diffusion and marketing, Indian mathematical Society, 73rd Annual Conference, University of Pune, December 27-30, 2008

3. Kumar, Naresh. and Singh, B., Perspective on economic growth of BRICs countries: Brazil and India, 9th International Conference on BRICS: Agenda for Cooperation, Integrated Academy of Management and Technology, India Islamic Cultural Centre, 5–7 December 2007, New Delhi.

4. Kumar, Naresh, & Rego, S., Diffusion of information technology: A paradigm shift in economic growth, WAITRO Biennial Congress on The Business of Innovation, Canada, August 8-10, 2006.

5. Kumar, Naresh, Time series forecasting of sectoral growth using growth models, National Conference on Second generation reforms: What is to be done? August 4-5, 2006, Presidency College, Kolkata.

6. Kumar, Naresh, & Rai, L. P., Application of Substitution Models in Technological Forecasting, National Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, IGIDR, August 6-7, 1998, Mumbai, India.

7. Kumar, Naresh, & Rai, L. P., New Models of Technology Substitution: Revisited, Indian Science Congress Association, 87th Session, January 3-8, 2000, Pune, India.

8. Kumar, Naresh, Patterns of Technological Change and its Indicators, 87th Session, January 3-8, 2000, Pune, India.

9. Kumar, Naresh, Technology Transfer: Policies for Developing Countries, International Conference on S&T in the Third World Development, April 5-7, 1993, University of Strathclede, Glassgow, U.K. (in absentia).

10. Kumar, Naresh, Strategies and Guidelines for Successful Technology Transfer, National Seminar on Problems and Challenges of Technology Transfer, In-house R&D and Indigenous Technology for Indian Industry in 1990’s, January 22-24 1996, Bombay, India.

11. Kumar, Naresh, & Rai, L. P., New Models of Technology Substitution: Revisited, International Conference on Quality, Reliability and IT at the Turn of the Millennium, Indian National Science Academy, December 21-23, 2000,  New Delhi, India.

12. Kumar, & Naresh, Rai, L. P., Forecasting Internet Demand Using Mathematical Models, ISMMACS conference on Mathematical Modeling and Computer Simulation, National Environmental Engg. Research Institute, October 23-24, 2000, Nagpur, India.


1. A report on Impact of New Technologies on Indian Electronics Industry, NISTADS REP-221/1997.

2.‘Directory on Indian Subsidiaries, NISTADS REP-164/1995.

3.Green occupations in India; International Labour Organisation (ILO), 2010

4. Frame work for impact assessment of NCSTC (National Council for Science & Technology Communication) network, 2010.

5.Measures of Performance of Universities in India: An Analysis of the Publication Output in Science and Technology

Projects undertaken:

1. A report on Impact of New Technologies on Indian Electronics Industry, NISTADS REP-221/1997.

2.‘Directory on Indian Subsidiaries, NISTADS REP-164/1995.

3.Green occupations in India; International Labour Organisation (ILO), 2010

4.Frame work for impact assessment of NCSTC (National Council for Science & Technology Communication) network, 2010.

5.Measures of Performance of Universities in India: An Analysis of the Publication Output in Science and Technology

Designation Hierarchy

Senior Principal Scientist